Tag Archives: History

Say NO to Beijing Games Boycott and Anti-Chinese Propaganda

Thanks to Jean-Luc Melenchon, and thanks to the anonymous guy who translated and added English caption for this TV clip.

Here is another one but only in Chinese caption. But if you could understand French without any problem, please take a look at this video clip too. We will try our best to translate and add an English caption to this TV clip ASAP.

I don’t want to make any more comments. Just a friendly reminder that please at least try to finish watching those two video clips if you can understand them. Please don’t take it granted that those video clips are not related to you just because you have different nationalities except French. Thank you.


Filed under China, History, Media Watch, Olympics, Religion

Useful Links regarding Tibet

Video: Tibet was, is and will always be part of China

US Government Documentary on China in 1944 shows clearly Tibet is part of China

Why Tibet belongs to China


Video: The Truth about Tibet

7 lies about Tibet

Who is Dalai Lama and what’s unknown about him

Tibet: The Truth

Tibetans claim their killing in Lhasa is non-violence

Human Right Problems in Tibet and China: Part 1, part 2


Video: Violence Riot of March 2008

2008 Tibet Riot, the Truth and Lies: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part4

Australian tourist Michael Smith filmed riot


Video: The True Nature of Tibetan in Exile Protests

No Exception, even a Girl on Wheel Chair



Tibet Buddhism and Society

The Shadow of Dalai Lama: Sexuality, Magic and Politics in Tibetan Buddhism, Victor & Victoria Trimondi

The Dalai Lama (Avalokiteshvara) and the Demoness (Srinmo),V. and V. Trimondi

Regicide as Lamaism¡¯s Myth of Origin and the Ritual Sacrifice of Tibet, V. and V. Trimondi

Social Reality in Ancient Tibet, V. and V. Trimondi


A Brief introduction of Tibet History and Lamaism, Wang Zai-Tian

Myth and Reality – Foster Stockwell

Tibet: Myth, Reality, The other side, a collection of articles on Tibet

Dharma Assassin Kusum Lingpa, Charles Carreon

The Dalai Lamas: Prisoners of the Potala Junta, Charles Carreon

Friendly Feudalism: The Tibet Myth by M. Parenti

Very informative discussion on PBS forum by M.A.Jones


The CIA and Tibet

Dalai Lama’s Links to CIA Still Stir Debate, George Fetherling

The CIA’s Secret War in Tibet, Kenneth Conboy and James Morrison

Exiled Tibetans claim CIA betrayal – Grain

The Dalai C.I.A. Lama

Tibet’s Underground Army

Photos: Tibet’s Underground Army

The CIA in Shangri La

Tibetan guerrillas and the CIA


Modern Tibet

The Snow Lion and the Dragon – China, Tibet, and the Dalai Lama – Melvyn C. Goldstein

The Struggle for Modern Tibet – William Siebenschuh

Through the Eye of Some Western Scholars – Grain

Through the Eye of the Tibetans – Grain

Tibet through Chinese Eyes, Peter Hessler

Through the Eye of a Forgotten Minority, Grain

China’s Tibet – Educational take-off in Tibet – N. Ram

Tibetans and the Cultural Revolution – Grain

Tibetans Are Not These Victims – Grain

Tibet – a Reality Check – N. Ram

Thoughts on Tibet

The Methods of Propaganda – Grain

The Press in Tibet – looking beyond the Stereotypes

The Dalai Lama’s Politics of Race, Bevin Chu

Chinese people express their voice in this open debate


Tibet and World Politics

Tibet and the United States, A. Tom Grunfeld

Reassessing Tibet Policy – A. Tom Grunfeld

My View on a Tibetan Propaganda Site: “Power of Compassion” – Grain

How the Tibet movement can backfire on America – by Alice Ewing

Lamaism – quaint feudal oppression mass-marketed to the West

China good? China bad? – Nothing is simple in Tibet.


Filed under China, History, References, Religion, Tibet

Dalai Lama is NO Jesus

Indeed, nobody can deny Dalai Lama is one of the religious leaders of Tibetan Buddhism, but don’t get confused by the oracle he and his people put around him.

Truth tells us that Dalai Lama is no Jesus



Dalai Lama is no Jesus

What would Jesus do:

Dalai Lama\'s Religious Ritual Objects

 Serfs under Dalai Lama\'s rule

Dalai Lama and his murderous friends

Dalai Lama is a CIA operative

Dalai Lama and violence

Remember, Dalai Lama is NO Jesus.


Filed under China, History, Religion, Tibet

Tibet: the Truth

Besides the beautiful sceneries and traditional musics that you would imagine from Tibet, the mysterious Shangri-la, this video also shows some other aspects. Explore the truth:



Filed under China, History, Tibet

French government allows thugs to attack a girl in wheelchair for her Olympic Torch

Frenchman attacks a girl in wheel-chair

This happened in Paris when Olympic Torch to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games was passing by. The French government decided to prohibit personal securities to the Torch bearer along the route. Instead, the French government insisted using their policemen to maintain order. Look! This is what had happened.

Are the Frenchmen simply living up to their reputation of being inept in any physical confrontation so that they have to assault a handicap, or are the French police so useless that they can’t even protect a handicap whose wheelchair was pushed by a blind man, or is the French government complacent with the Paris thugs?

You draw the conclusion.


Filed under China, Tibet

10 Questions for Dalai Lama

1. Why does the Dalai Lama continue to lie about the tyrannical, theocratic and slavery nature of Tibetan society under his rule that over 95% of Tibetan did not have any personal safety, freedom and human rights? Does the Dalai Lama along with the rest of religious elites in exile continue to dream to return as slave owners and political tyrants?

2. Why does the Dalai Lama continue to deny the historical fact that under no circumstances has any country ever recognizes Tibet as an independent country and under no circumstances had any Chinese government ever give up sovereignty over Tibet? Does the Dalai Lama continue to believe that twisting the history would benefit the Tibetan people?

3. Why does the Dalai Lama continue to deny the fact that “1959 uprising” is nothing but a desperate attempt by him and his followers trying to hold on to their political power, their land, and their slaves? Why does the Dalai Lama continue to deceive the world that CIA was behind that “uprising” and one of CIA’s demands was Dalai must be in exile in exchange for CIA’s continued support?

4. Why does the Dalai Lama continue to hide the fact that he and his followers have always been receiving financial, political and military supports from CIA and other western government sponsored organizations even today? Why does he along with his followers continue to allow themselves to be used as puppets and instrument by the west to disturb and harm China even when it’s clearly against the interests of the Tibetan people?

5. Why does the Dalai Lama continue to pretend to be a champion of human rights while ganging up with infamous dictators such as Augusto Pinochet, the former murderous president of Chile and longtime CIA client? Why does the Dalai Lama continue to pretend to be a devoted Buddhist while he and Saddam Hussein were the only two world leaders to congratulate India on its successful nuclear test? Why does the Dalai Lama continue to pretend to be peace-loving while he still hasn’t condemned the illegal war in Iraq that was based on lies and kills hundreds of thousands Iraqis and forces millions more into refugee camps?

6. Why does the Dalai Lama continue to make wild accusation that Chinese massacred over 1.2 million Tibetans while the population in TAR (Tibet Autonomous Region) increased from 1.3 million in 1950 to 2.62 million in 2000 and 92.2% of them were ethnic Tibetans, the life span increased from 35 to 68 years and the infant mortality dropped from 43% to 0.661% during the same period? Why does the Dalai Lama continue to accuse the Chinese of cultural genocide because Chinese was taught in secondary school as well as Tibetan and English, while his own “government in exile” relies on English language much more heavily in their educational system?

7. Why does the Dalai Lama continue to hide the fact that in his “peace proposal” what he really wants is twice the size of Tibet with a majority of the population as non-Tibetan? Why does the Dalai Lama continue to hide his genocidal plan of expelling all non-Tibetans out of their ancestry homes? Does he not realize that his proposal equals to ethnic cleansing and genocide?

8. Why does the Dalai Lama continue to lure young Tibetans in Tibet with false promises of education and pilgrimage to smuggle them out of their parents’ home and presents them as refugees in the world stage? Why does he continue to hijack these innocent children to advance his political pursuit?

9. Why does the Dalai Lama continue to doublespeak, delivering the message of tolerance to the western audience while twisting everything Chinese do in Tibet, delivering message of love to the western audience while preaching ethnic hatred toward Chinese people, and delivering message of peace to the western audience while encouraging violence toward non-Tibetans in China?

10. Why does the Dalai Lama continue to lead and lend political and financial supports to the extreme and murderous elements within exile Tibetan community while he continues to preach peace and love around the world? Why does he along with his followers continue to claim to be peaceful when rioters brutally beaten, killed and burnt non-Tibetan and their properties resulting in over 20 deaths in Lhasa in March 2008? How can he and his followers dare to suggest that those deaths are simply accidents or to smear some of them as prostitutes? Does he not know that every life is precious even for non-Tibetans?

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Filed under China, Tibet